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Evening Dress Code

Evening Dress Code Some women are frequent party goers, others are not. The former do know what to wear, well, at least theoretically, the latter may have questions. Especially when...

A Glimpse at the History of the Cocktail Dress

A Glimpse at the History of the Cocktail Dress Let’s talk about the history of another women’s wardrobe resident – the cocktail dress. It’s meant for semi-formal events and, of course,...

Success stories: Dolce & Gabbana

Success stories: Dolce & Gabbana Dolce & Gabbana – a world famous fashion house – was founded in 1985 in Legnano, Italy by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. The two...

How to start your own retail clothing e-store

How to start your own retail clothing e-store (Photo by: The pace of modern life tends to get faster and faster. We have a lot more things to do, but...

Success stories: ASOS

Success stories: ASOS Established at the dawn of the new millennium, a tiny UK-based online fashion retailer with huge ambition craved for success and with time proved to be highly...

In Brief: Little Black Dress (Cocktail Dress)

In Brief: Little Black Dress Little black dress also known as LBD – a simply cut black evening or cocktail dress – is an essential piece of virtually every woman’s wardrobe. Affordable,...

Vera Wang - Wedding Dresses Queen

Vera Wang - Wedding Dresses Queen Vera Wang – former figure-skater – is a famous fashion designer from New York best known for her wedding dress designs. She is of Chinese descent,...

The History of Prom

The History of Prom Today we are going to reminisce a little about history of prom – the event of paramount importance for each and every high school student. All...

Buying directly from Chinese suppliers: pros and cons

Buying directly from Chinese suppliers: pros and cons We all love to save money. To this end, trying to get rid of all those intermediaries may seem like a good...

Marc Jacobs - True story

Marc Jacobs presents you, Marc Jacobs - a famous fashion designer, one of the most influential people in the fashion industry, best known for his unusual interpretations of trends in popular culture, was born...

Types of Fashion Styles

Types of Fashion Styles Our style is undoubtedly more than just our clothing. It is an expression of our spirit and character. Properly chosen style can help us create a positive...

Vintage. A storehouse of Inspiration

Vintage. A storehouse of Inspiration  "I love older things that people have used and cherished. They have personality, character, and soul." - Anna Hillegass. Our past has always been a storehouse of inspiration. It...